
Archive for the ‘Elisabeth Shue’ Category

Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Elisabeth Shue plays Chris the babysitter. It was to be a typical babysiting job until her friend Brenda calls for help, trapped at the bus station. So with the kids along they head out into the city to save her friend. Along the way, her car tyre punctures and Chris realises she forgot her purse, which pretty much sets off a series of unfortunate events. Since this is a family movie…everything, of course, ends up fine.

Its been ages since I’ve watched this movie. With nothing to watch one weekend afternoon…I tuned into its television screening. Surprisingly…I still found it entertaining and funny at times. Definitely a great film for the family and kids. I guess it does not come as a surprise that Hollywood is going to do a remake of it…supposedly released in 2008. That is interesting…stay tune for that.

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