
Archive for the ‘Manhattan’ Category



I loved Match Point. Great movie there…I had only thought it was a romance/drama of some sort…and it turn out to be so much more. Which of course spark an interest to watch other Woody Allen films ( I soo want to watch Scoop…have yet to find it anywhere). And the only one I could get my hands on is this…Manhattan. It has really good reviews…has like a rating of 8/10 on IMDB…even touted as his best film. Seem like a romantic comedy that I would enjoy…

…Wrong…I didn’t quite enjoy it as I thought. Its not like I hated it or anything…its just I don’t get why its good…why its considered great…what makes it different…from all the other stories about love…What we have in this movie basically is Issac… a 40+ guy dating a 17 year old who he doesn’t really love…but much loves the city he lives in. One day he meets his friend’s mistress and soon begins an affair with her… Once the affair is ended abruptly…he is soon crawling back wanting to patch up with his girlfriend…the one he still doesn’t actually love…I guess one of the points being made here is people settle with whats there right? And etc…etc

The thing is…this film is just wayy too draggy…too much dialogue…sure some have a little humour but mostly its just…too boring for me…kept waiting for something interesting to happen…nothing does… And oh…I disliked Diane Keaton’s character…then again I’m sure she not meant to be liked. Wrapping up…not what I had expected…not for me at all.

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